Thank you April

April has been such a fantastic month for the PD team. So many highlights in one month, there’s no way we are not going to share! First and foremost, our beloved Head of Security, Handsome Rob has retired so we had a farewell party in junction with our Grow Group Happy Hour! Check out the photos on our instagram. We were honored to be part of the 18th Annual Schmoozapalooza with the Greater Valley Chamber of Commerce! It was so much fun to see all of our friends, and getting free ice cream!

Let’s not forget Rob Thomas who just published an incredible, easy to read networking book and had a fantastic launch. If you still haven’t gotten your hands on this book, order today! A special thank you for Vibrant Health for hosting the annual GNEMSDC meeting where we had an extremely productive conversation to help MBE businesses, such as ours, grow. To end the month right, our director of Web Development, Jorge, and our Senior Developer, Kevin, were chef’s for Men Who Cook to benefit Team, Inc. What a delicious event!

And on top of all of this! It has been especially busy for Ramon, as he’s been practicing for Dancing with the Stars To Benefit Adam’s house that he will be performing live on May 3rd, 2019. More information available on our social media. Show your support and vote for Ramon!

Need help with your brand identity or want to overhaul your existing brand? Need a responsive cutting edge web development project completed? Contact:

Tell us about your next project at:

Check out our latest promo video at:

Follow Peralta Design on Instagram at @peraltadesignhq
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The PD Life of: A Motion Design Intern

By: Danny Scinto

Being an animator and video editor is a strange life. I’m one of those people whose passion aligns with their professional career. I wake up, work on some personal videos, then head to work to make videos for my company, then arrive at home with just enough time to further edit my personal creations. In short, what I do for my job is the same thing I do as a hobby. It sounds like a redundant existence, but I assure you it’s down right magical.

However, if I’m going to sit down and spend eight hours a day animating or editing video for somebody else, I need to make sure that time is well spent! I need a place where I’ll be pushed to excellence; a place where my growth is encouraged and my creations are appreciated. After all, this isn’t just a job for me: it’s my passion! If I do poor work at my job, then I know all my art will suffer for it. I need a company that will force me to adapt and improve, so that one day I can use the things I’ve learned on my personal work.

For a long time, I was out of luck; Most companies saw their video editors and animators as a means to an end, and not as creatives who should be encouraged to get outside their comfort zone and experiment. However, I was destined for a brighter future as I interviewed for an internship with Peralta Design. I realized immediately that this company was something special. Small, efficient, and delightfully friendly; this office emminated productive energy. I could sense that each member carried a lot of weight in this company, and nobody was taken for granted. After being interviewed by the owner, a rarity in my industry to say the least, I was asked to join their team. They didn’t need to ask twice!

Since then, it’s been a heck of a time. Everyone gets along so well, and there’s a genuine sense of comradery in these walls. We eat together, discuss the shows we’re watching, and applaud each completed project. Don’t let their playful exterior fool you, however, these people are masters of their crafts. They will silently attack their work with unbelievable efficiency and competence. Phones are set aside, Facebook pages are closed, and heads are down. When it’s time to work, these people WORK.

That alone pushes me each day to do my absolute best. These folks aren’t showing any signs of giving up, so neither will I! This doesn’t mean they’re constantly cracking the whip; quite the contrary! They’re always willing to lend a hand, and they urge me to take breaks when I seem burnt out. There is an emphasis on self care, and taking the time to do things right. They value me for more than my work; They value me as a person.

Frankly, this place excites me. I know the more I put in, the more I get out, and that isn’t something I can say about most occupations. After being put in charge of multiple video projects, I feel they trust and rely on me. In the short month I’ve been here, I have already grown exponentially, and I show no signs of slowing down. I cannot wait to rise to more challenges and produce work that is consistently better than the last. One day, I’ll reflect on my career and fondly reminisce about my humble start as an intern at Peralta Design. This place is my foundation, and I couldn’t ask for a better one.

Peralta Design is an award winning, full service digital creative agency (with offices in Shelton, CT and Palm Coast, FL). We help entrepreneurs, startups, and small to mid-size businesses launch new products or services across multiple customer touch-points. We develop brand identity and brand strategy, create digital marketing strategies, develop websites and mobile apps, create dynamic explainer videos and even develop content for brands of all sizes. Our tagline says it all: We Launch Brands!®

Need help with your brand identity or want to overhaul your existing brand? Need a responsive cutting edge web development project completed? Contact:

Tell us about your next project at:

Check out our latest promo video at:

Follow Peralta Design on Instagram at @peraltadesignhq

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Does Instagram seem impossible? It took us 4 times to get it right! Check out how we did it.

Before we started our new instagram strategy, we had our goal: Drive users to our page where they see the value and quality of our work and our team. And then we did some research. We looked at some of our competitors and we compiled them. We selected a few favorites for different reasons and presented it to the team.

These are great options for our feed image. Our very favorite was the first one, they were clean, they presented their work, and promoted their clients. However, we want to also provide information, so we also loved the one all the way to the right. It was also clean, while providing informational posts. So with this in mind, PD began our instagram strategy journey.

So here was our first approach. We want to promote our clients, while also promoting our work and the different types of work we do. This looked awesome until we ran into a few issues.

1. We were not providing information

2. We didn’t have enough consistent content.

3. Ramon wanted us to share more of the PD culture

So we try again, here we decided to add in some motivational quotes and information. Still had the clean look but did not have the PD environment so to the ‘Big Red’ we go.

So we shake it all up! Here we have all the elements we want to share, the culture, the portfolio, the information, and motivational quotes. BUT we really needed that clean look. Remember the goal: Drive users to our page where they see the value and quality of our work and our team.

Fourth time’s a charm! Oh wait, was it supposed to be on the third? Our final instagram feed. The first column will display our work. The middle column will provide valuable information. Our last column will show the PD culture! All while remaining clean!  

In conclusion, it wasn’t easy, but without trial and error, we would have never succeeded! Don’t be scared to try.

Peralta Design is an award winning, full service digital creative agency (with offices in Shelton, CT and Palm Coast, FL). We help entrepreneurs, startups, and small to mid-size businesses launch new products or services across multiple customer touch-points. We develop brand identity and brand strategy, create digital marketing strategies, develop websites and mobile apps, create dynamic explainer videos and even develop content for brands of all sizes. Our tagline says it all: We Launch Brands!®

Need help with your brand identity or want to overhaul your existing brand? Need a responsive cutting edge web development project completed? Contact:

Tell us about your next project at:

Check out our latest promo video at:

Follow Peralta Design on Instagram at @peraltadesignhq

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So you’ve got a website, but how do you know if it’s any good?

By Jorge Pezo-Candelario

If you’re in business, your web presence is one of the first ways that potential clients will discover and vett you. Chances are you’re just one of many options when it comes to purchasing a product or service and the internet audience is going to do their part to choose the best fit for them.

So you go and put a site together yourself or hire an agency to do it for you. You spend time writing your content, making sure your contact information is correct and proudly launch your baby into the world. But now what? Is your website doing its job? Are you getting leads and/or is your site representing you accurately and powerfully? How do you know if what you’ve put out online is actually any good?

That’s where metrics come into play, and as they say ‘the numbers don’t lie”. You want a clear, non-biased, data driven evaluation of your web efforts, where your weaknesses and strengths lie and where you need to invest in improvements. Peralta Design grades clients sites on 5 core metrics which serve as the cornerstone for any website.

Organic SEO

This is the buzzword on everyone’s lips. Every business wants to rank at the top of results for the most popular keywords. Dominating on the organic SEO front means making sure you’re following all of the best practices and keeping up to date with an ever evolving set of rules. They call it organic, and they mean it, it’s truly a living breathing thing that changes. Think about this as a long term investment as it can take some time before your efforts begin to bear fruit, but when you’ve got everything set-up in place, your business becomes much easier to find online than your competition.

Think about this as a long term investment as it can take some time before your efforts begin to bear fruit, but when you’ve got everything set-up in place, your business becomes much easier to find online than your competition.


Content is King. This phrase has been around in the context of web development since the dawn of Google and its just as crucial as ever. The quality and relevancy your site’s content, your information hierarchy and presentation are key in making your site optimal for both web crawlers and human visitors.


The reports are in. Businesses that prioritize design on their website and associated sales collateral see an average 86% increase in conversion versus their competition. Think about it this way, the salesperson who is dressed to impress will always close more deals than the person who looks like they just rolled out of bed. Look and feel matters, and when choosing a business, customers care and they show it with their wallet.


To say we have entered the era of instant gratification is an understatement. Just asking my 13-year old daughter to ‘wait a minute’ and you’ll hear an immediate groan from the peanut gallery. Your customers want to get the info they came for, book your service, buy your product or contact you without having to wait for you page to load. If your website takes longer than 3 seconds to load, you’ve already lost 70% of your audience who have moved on to the next site.


Let’s say you’re doing everything right and you have a healthy amount of traffic flowing into your site. You might still find that converting clicks into customers present a challenge. More often than not, you’ve got a User Experience issue on your hands. If your audience isn’t able to find the information they came for quickly and easily, and in 3 clicks or less, you’re literally leaking visitors. . In today’s modern web area of smartphones, tablets, laptops and traditional desktop PCs, your site needs to be able to have a friendly user experience, that’s well organized and ushers your visitors to where they need to go no matter what platform your audience finds you from.

Want us to do the work for you? Sign up for a FREE report card report here:

Peralta Design is an award winning, full service digital creative agency (with offices in Shelton, CT and Palm Coast, FL). We help entrepreneurs, startups, and small to mid-size businesses launch new products or services across multiple customer touch-points. We develop brand identity and brand strategy, create digital marketing strategies, develop websites and mobile apps, create dynamic explainer videos and even develop content for brands of all sizes. Our tagline says it all: We Launch Brands!®

Need help with your brand identity or want to overhaul your existing brand? Need a responsive cutting edge web development project completed? Contact:

Tell us about your next project at:

Check out our latest promo video at:

Follow Peralta Design on Instagram at @peraltadesignhq

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Junior Achievement Day at Peralta Design

It was an exciting day at Peralta Design hanging out with the 2019 JA Interns! Junior Achievement’s purpose is to inspire and prepare young people to succeed in a global economy. JA of Fairfield County is our local partner chapter preparing youth for success in the real world through experiential learning opportunities. Through JA’s Job Shadow program, students spend one day out of the classroom with the goal of developing an understanding of what to expect in a professional work environment, to explore career pathways, and learn from the experiences of positive community role models. We were thrilled to help develop this unique student experience with three outstanding (and very well dressed) interns from Fairchild Wheeler Inter-District Magnet High School in our office!

We started off the day by giving the interns a quick tour of the office, where they were able to see everyone in action. In order for them to understand everything we do at PD(it’s a lot), we went into the Big Red and showed a quick explainer video of what we do. Nothing like watching a video to break the ice!

We Launch Brands® Video

After the video, we had them introduce themselves and what they are looking to get out of this experience. Imani was very interested in the graphic design space, so she sat with Amanda, our art director, first. Nat and Matt had to rock paper scissors over who would sit with Danny, our video editor. Eventually, they were able to each sit with everyone of our team. For lunch, they went to Creative Kitchen, which is in our building and had a great sit down with Ramon.


Funny story time! Fernanda was managing them, making sure everything was running smoothly. The plan was to have the interns sit with a teammate for 20 minutes and then rotate. After 20 minutes, Fernanda told them to finish up and rotate as the 20 minutes were up.. 20 minutes later Fernanda went back to check back for the next rotation, and they were still with the same person from 20 minutes ago. The conversation was THAT good!! It was a good laugh.


As the day came to an end, we had them write something for us about their experience and we want to share that with you guys!


Nathanelle Eveillard

My name is Nathanelle Eveillard, I am 16 years old and I attend the school of Information Technology at the Fairchild Wheeler Campus. I have plans to pursue a career somewhere in the technology field in the future, specifically Computer Science.

However, law is something that is also in my interest. Today, I learned a lot, not only about Peralta Design as a brand, but about each individual employee and what role they play. It was a very interesting and informative experience, as each member of the Peralta team explained their separate interests, their college majors, backgrounds, and how they were recruited into this company. Every single person on the team has their strengths and they collaborate, you can tell that the chemistry as a team is strong and they work well together and compliment each other in different aspects. I found myself very interested in the video editing aspect of the company because it something I like to do, personally, so it was very cool to see a professional do it. Overall, this was an amazing experience, because this is something I can see myself doing in the future, so it was great to get a preview of it and I’m very thankful that I received this opportunity.

Matt Chaves

The drive here, for me at least, was frightening. I was incredibly scared. This was my first time ever doing anything like this.  My parents tried to calm my nerves on the way there, but I was not having it. When I got there, I was 10 minutes early and by myself. As I walked in, I swear I was shaking in my boots. Then I was warmly greeted by Mr. Ramon and Ms. Fernanda for whatever reason I felt relieved. They didn’t seem intimidating. I’ve always had this idea that bosses were these big corporate people who ruled over the employees. Like a king with his subjects. Mr. Ramon didn’t give me that feeling. Neither did Ms. Fernanda. They felt like honest, caring, people. They sat me in the conference room, offered me drinks and magazine, and made sure I was comfortable.

Naturally I was still scared to some extent, but I was feeling better. When the talking to the staff portion began, I found myself no longer feeling that fright that I had coming in. I felt like I was talking to friends, people I had met before. Not total strangers. We all had very similar interests making me wish that I had more time to speak with all them. Then our lunch with Mr. Ramon was very relaxing. He talked to us in a professional way, but it never felt like he was talking down to us. More on the same level.

I came out of this with a feeling of satisfaction. With a rekindled passion for my art and a newfound interest in coding and design. I’ve always been interested in these things, but this was the fire that I needed to really rekindle my flames.

Imani Lopez

My name is Imani Lopez and I am 17 years old. I am currently a junior at Fairchild Wheeler Information Technology High School. Throughout my time at Fairchild I have taken many I.T Magnet Courses, which is what peaked my interest in the I.T. Field. Today I was given the opportunity to shadow at the outstanding company known as Peralta Design. I was able to meet with each of the team members and learn about their individual day to day duties. After initially meeting each team member, I immediately became very comfortable. They let me in with open arms, which made me feel as though I had known each of them for years and was a member of their team. Shadowing at Peralta allowed me to see that I do have an interest in web design and logo creation. While talking to them about what they do and how they do it, I was able to see my potential in the field overall. I really enjoyed the level of enthusiasm, passion, and chemistry shown in the room. As I spoke with each team member it was evident how much they truly love what they do because of the excitement they showed as they spoke about their jobs and the way in which they all smiled while doing so. Their excitement also showed how passionate they each are about their specific job. After speaking with all of the team members it was also clear how strong their chemistry is. As I spoke with each person they told me all of the things they love to do, but they also told me the things they collaborate with each other on. It was wonderful to hear them praise one another for their different talents and to hear them talk about how they know that they can all rely on each other for a wide range of tasks.

Peralta design is an amazing company and I was honored to have been awarded the opportunity to spend my day with all of the team members and with Mr. Ramon. It was very nice speaking with Mr. Ramon about the company and how it all began. I was happy with how kind and open he was during our conversation. My favorite part about my experience was how welcoming and sweet the team was. It allowed me to relax and feel as if I was one of them. Their kindness is something I will always remember. My Peralta Design experience is one that I will never forget.


Thank you so much for coming to visit us! We had a great day with you guys. Thank you Junior Achievement of Fairfield County for the opportunity. We are extremely grateful for our partnership with JA and that through it, we are able to interact with, inspire and impact so many of the young, bright, talented minds right here in our community. We’re already looking forward to next year!


Peralta Design is an award winning, full service digital creative agency (with offices in Shelton, CT and Palm Coast, FL). We help entrepreneurs, startups, and small to mid-size businesses launch new products or services across multiple customer touch-points. We develop brand identity and brand strategy, create digital marketing strategies, develop websites and mobile apps, create dynamic explainer videos and even develop content for brands of all sizes. Our tagline says it all:

We Launch Brands!®

Need help with your brand identity or want to overhaul your existing brand? Need a responsive cutting edge web development project completed? Contact:

Tell us about your next project at:

Check out our latest promo video at:

Follow Peralta Design on Instagram at @peraltadesignhq

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Effective Teams “Fly” in V-Formation

Group Of Migrating Geese Birds

Effective Teams “Fly” in a V-Formation just like geese do.

“Scientists have determined that the V-shaped formation that geese use when migrating serves two important purposes:

First, it conserves their energy. Each bird flies slightly above the bird in front of him, resulting in a reduction of wind resistance. The birds take turns being in the front, falling back when they get tired. In this way, the geese can fly for a long time before they must stop for rest. The authors of a 2001 Nature article stated that pelicans that fly alone beat their wings more frequently and have higher heart rates than those that fly in formation. It follows that birds that fly in formation glide more often and reduce energy expenditure (Weimerskirch, 2001).

The second benefit to the V formation is that it is easy to keep track of every bird in the group. Flying in formation may assist with the communication and coordination within the group. Fighter pilots often use this formation for the same reason.”1

Effective Teams that “Fly” in a V can step up and step in when a team member needs to take a break or becomes unavailable. Clear communication as to who does what when, and who fills in for whom when, will ensure that each Team Member can adapt when life happens and your clients can continue to receive the attention and service they are used to. When clients deal with a solo-preneur or a “Pelican,” they often have to wait until they become available, return from vacation, recover from illness or wrap up another project before they can have their goals met. Not good, especially when your business may depend on a timely website launch, or a deadline that coincides with marketing materials needed for a trade show or conference. A business can’t rely on just one person and neither can a client. Don’t hire a Pelican. You need a team that can deliver.
As much as you work on your team’s process and spend time in staff meetings, Life will inevitably happen. What is your company prepared to do in order to meet the needs of your clients when one of your team members needs to ‘fall back?” That can be the difference between winning or losing.
Does your team fly in a V?
1 Resource: The Library of Congress, Everyday Mysteries:


Ramon has over 20 years of experience in award-winning, market-proven, print collateral, marketing material, iphone/ipad app and website design specializing in corporate identity and branding. Ramon’s passion for entrepreneurial design was borne out of 10 years as Creative Director for Jay Walker at Walker Digital, the Stamford based idea laboratory and business incubator holding over 400 US Patents. Ramon served as Senior Art Director on the start-up launch team behind, a Walker company and invention.

Peralta Design is an award winning, think tank and digital creative house (with offices in Shelton, CT and Palm Coast, FL). We not only help monetize ideas and determine what the MVP, the Minimal Viable Product is for you, but we also handle everything from logo design and branding, to recommending technology, to building custom web applications and websites. We also develop mobile apps and create promotional videos. As I also mentioned, we work with entrepreneurs, startups and companies (large and small) like yours. We Launch Brands!®

Need help with your brand identity or want to overhaul your existing brand? Need a responsive cutting edge web development project completed? Contact:

Tell us about your next project at:

Check out our latest promo video at:

Follow Ramon on Twitter @Peralta_Design


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The Snow Must Go On!

Business owners need to plan for the best, not the worst.

Young attractive man brushing the snow off his car on a cold winter day

Warning: This will be a rant about the frustrations caused by exaggerated and inaccurate weather predictions and the ramifications from the hysteria that ensues from a business owner’s perspective.

We closed a record 9 new contracts in just 3 days this week. We could not do that if we took a ‘snow day’ every time the weathermen have falsely predicted one. We’ve just about had it with Mother Nature this winter and she’s not going away without a fight.

First of all, if you are a state employee with a guaranteed pension, a school teacher trading snow days for summer vacation, work at a company with more than 1,000 employees, where your absence won’t even be noticed, or you work solo from home everyday anyway, then this post is not for you. That being said, you still might learn something from it.

If you are a (big) kid, who longs for days off so you can catch up on XBox or your favorite Netflix binge session and snacks, then this post is not for you either. You may however read this today, and there may be a lesson that you can bury in your subconscious and apply later in life.

This post is for the folks that don’t usually think from the business owner’s perspective. AKA the boss. You know the person who has stuck their neck out, the entrepreneurs who weren’t born on third base, who have to grind day in and day out to keep the sales funnels full of opportunity by attending various networking events, following up on emails in an effort to set up in-person meetings and conference calls. Usually the store owners, or restaurant owners, or the business owners with small teams made up of individuals with specialized skill sets that are vital and that work best in an environment of collaboration.

Think about that business owner, who manages to live day in and day out with the weight of each of his employees’ lives and families squarely on his or her shoulders. In my case, our team is a family and we care deeply about each and every one of them. Not just for what they do in the office, but about the houses they’re buying, the babies they’re having and the children they’re raising. That business owner is also thinking about the clients they are serving, the clients they’re following up with and the leads they are working toward converting into clients. That business owner is thinking of accounts payable vs accounts receivable and everything in between.

Enter the weathermen predicting impending doom and the chain reaction of chaos that ensues. To the laymen, snow days harken back to childhood days of big bowls of cereal and cartoons. To parents, snow days wreck havoc on work schedules, often times forcing parents to take turns asking for time off from work or “working from home.” I put “working from home” in quotes because there’s an 800lb gorilla in the room, and by room I mean kitchen, and by 800lb I mean the refrigerator. Working from home when you are a vital part of a bigger team is one big distraction. Sure, when the weather warrants it, when you are completely snowed in, and are fortunate to still have power and wifi, then you work from home – because you have to. Because there are projects that need to get done. But working from home is most often like giving yourself a haircut: it is possible, but it’s not always ideal, especially when you belong to a small team that collaborates and who’s competitive advantage is that they are available to meet with clients in a living and breathing workspace.

This year it seems the weathermen’s predictions of snowmaggeddons and apocalyptic ice ages are at an all time high forcing many businesses to plan for the worst, instead of the best.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I would never force any employee to drive in any weather condition where they didn’t feel safe. But let’s be serious: its’ gotten to the point where any amount of precipitation is reason to call the Calvary. Tomorrow, we’re pitching what could be the biggest opportunity of Q1 for Peralta Design. Did everyone on the team wonder if we would have to work from home today? Yes. With predictions of 15” of snow in some parts why wouldn’t they, but we said we would make the call in the morning. This morning it was completely dry and we all came to the office. I even attended a packed Board Meeting for a local charity that I volunteer for. Yes, we had some snow flurries throughout the day, but for the most part it was just some drizzle, or snow drizzle, or as Snoop Dog would say: it was Snizzle, my nizzle. Very similar to last week, when I cut my trip to our Palm Coast office short by a day, only to get an alert that my previously scheduled flight had landed safely no problem on a dry tarmac.

Due to the dire weather predictions for today, we completely cleared our calendar of any sales meetings. On a normal day I would have 2-4 meetings with prospects. Today we scheduled none. It was all hands on deck as we worked to prepare for tomorrow’s big pitch. I admit, I caught myself looking out the window, distracted by the flakes, constantly checking for their severity, both in size and opacity, while trying to close deals that were in progress, review creative and prepare for tomorrow’s pitch. It felt good to focus and be productive although I could sense there was some concern in the air for the chance that the weather would turn foul. It never did.

For lunch, we hit one of the office park cafeterias and they were down to a skeleton crew as they may have planned to close early (planning for the worst) or expected other businesses to be shut down for the day. The lunch crowd was growing, the usual go-to salad bar wasn’t out and everything was taking a bit longer to make. It was clear that the weather prediction had affected his business like it had mine. Glad we were able to support him and hope he realized that next time, he should plan for the best, and take the risk of having a full crew. I finally got my salad and it was tasty (it had coconut shrimp) but If you go with a skeleton crew to save costs, you risk giving your customers a less than optimal experience so who really wins? Nobody.

My dentist, with whom I had an appointment, announced yesterday that they would be closed today as they alerted me about rescheduling my appointment a day early.
I don’t blame them either. Like the cafe owner, if you listen to the news, it sounds like End of Days. You have to make a decision. But they too, planned for the worst. When a company shuts down for a ‘snow day,’ those employees still get paid. That business owner has to make payroll and those day’s accounts receivables are lost. This year, it seems like at least one day of the week, every week, has been predicted to have some type of weather catastrophe. The news folks love it, what else is there to report about that will put the sheer fear of God into everyone, making them run out for bread, gas and milk?

On my way home this evening, I stopped by my local market to pick up some soup to go along with dinner on this raw, cold night. Big signs greeted me both at the Deli and the Soup Station: Deli & Soup crew went home at Noon – “we closed early due to the storm.” I spoke to a store manager who informed me that everyone was afraid to drive in the snow (there was no snow) and asked if they could leave work early. We’re at the point now where we are afraid to drive for the ‘fear’ of snow to come. It’s like Scrooge except its the Ghost of Snow Future. Think of the lost revenues and the poor customer experiences for that store – multiply my experience times as many people that had gone in between 12pm and 7pm. They too planned for the worst.

Clients don’t fall from the sky or grow on trees for our firm. We don’t have the luxury of multi-year contracts. Although we do service clients from all around the country, we have to find them, groom them, wow them and cultivate them. It takes a dedicated team to do that, which we are very fortunate to have. Today, we planned for the best. We did that because we didn’t have a choice. If we are not only to survive, but thrive, we have to do what others aren’t willing to do and if that means think positive, and go against popular hysteria then so be it. We were all prepared to work from home in case we had to, but fortunately, the weather (and our spirits) held up enough to come in, put our big-boy pants on and get the job done. We need more of that. *And we need Spring to hurry  up and get here already.


Ramon has over 20 years of experience in award-winning, market-proven, print collateral, marketing material, iphone/ipad app and website design specializing in corporate identity and branding. Ramon’s passion for entrepreneurial design was borne out of 10 years as Creative Director for Jay Walker at Walker Digital, the Stamford based idea laboratory and business incubator holding over 400 US Patents. Ramon served as Senior Art Director on the start-up launch team behind, a Walker company and invention.

Peralta Design is an award winning, think tank and digital creative house (with offices in Shelton, CT and Palm Coast, FL). We not only help monetize ideas and determine what the MVP, the Minimal Viable Product is for you, but we also handle everything from logo design and branding, to recommending technology, to building custom web applications and websites. We also develop mobile apps and create promotional videos. As I also mentioned, we work with entrepreneurs, startups and companies (large and small) like yours. We Launch Brands!®

Need help with your brand identity or want to overhaul your existing brand? Need a responsive cutting edge web development project completed? Contact:

Tell us about your next project at:

Check out our latest promo video at:

Follow Ramon on Twitter @Peralta_Design


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Junior Achievement Day at PD

The following recaps were penned by Fairchild Wheeler School students Paul Trujillo and Mike Smith who recently spent the day at Peralta Design as part of Junior Achievement of Western Connecticut. These writings are unedited and candid. Enjoy!

“Hello, you must be Paul, can I take your jacket?.” That was the first thing Laura (the Creative Coordinator) said to me when I entered into the Peralta Design space. It immediately set the tone, I was treated like someone she had known for years. I was taken into the meeting room where Michael (also at the job shadow with me) and Melanie (the Junior Achievement representative) were sitting patiently. Mr.Peralta came in, we shook his hand and began talking. I’m glad I was able to break the ice with some jokes (if I didn’t, I feel it could have been a very different meeting). Michael and I shared our experiences and then Mr.Peralta left and we began talking with Laura and Melanie.

Melanie left and now we were in uncharted waters. Thank God Kevin (Senior Back-end Web Developer) was a cool and open guy. He was the 3rd person of the Peralta Design team that we met. Kevin showed us the things he had been working on with WordPress and his database interests – not gonna lie, I missed a couple of the words he said. Kevin also told us about himself and where he comes from and why Peralta was a good fit for him and even spoke about his childhood past with Jorge, who serves as the Director of Web Development.

Jorge was in the back a bit quiet at first and I didn’t know how he’d be when we got to him but he was actually really cool. Jorge seemed like the guy who knew everything, from the time we entered, until we left he was on his computer working. We talked with him and Kevin about some TV shows and common interests. They both gave off a familiar, friendly vibe, they weren’t shy with us and that made it all the more pleasant. I think that we all hit if off, talking to them was like talking to older friends, the ones who are a couple grades above you and were cool with chatting to the kids.

Throughout the whole time so far we kept hearing about Amanda, PD’s Senior Art Director, aka creative design one. I knew she would be the one I’d resonate with on a creative level. She was working on a PowerPoint and the layout of the background and then showed us the different designs of logos she did. I was immediately able to pick up on what the Palmer Counseling company was about from her initial designs, a North Carolina company with Christian roots. It was a smart design that showed what they were about, all that from a logo with a bird, a leaf and a tree. That’s what a logo should do, explain what the company is about from an image. We also talked with her about art she had done and her personal background, we related a lot and I believe that saying that applies to everyone we met there.

Mr. Peralta gave me a feel that he wasn’t above anyone, he was the boss but he felt like an employee, it really added to Perata Design’s family-feel. Entering the building I was unsure as to how he would present himself and how he would treat Michael and I, but his humble nature must be an appeal to people who have done business with his company. He even ate with us and paid for the food, that $9 food was looking really good at that point. All in all it was fun experience and I hope I could spend more time with all of them.

But there was one huge drawback, we couldn’t meet the dog. 😉

-Paul Trujillo



My name is Michael Smith, and I am a student at the Information Technology school at the Fairchild Wheeler campus, located in Bridgeport. Today, I had the privilege of visiting Peralta Design for a job shadow, which allowed me to learn about the company as a whole as well as each team member’s interests and motivation that allows them to be such a vital part of the company.

Before I had both feet in the door, Laura stood up from behind her desk and greeted me, asking if she could take my jacket or if I wanted any tea or coffee. I was already impressed. In most places you are lucky if the receptionist looks up from behind her desk, let alone says hello. Here, Laura went out of her way to make sure that I was comfortable. In fact, she already knew my name!

After a brief introduction made by Mr. Peralta, the owner of the company, we, Paul and I, set off to examine and learn about the different tasks that each member of the team focused on. I really enjoyed listening to Kevin as he explained how he was going about adjusting the settings on a menu bar for one of the company’s clients. In school, I have spent a decent amount of time on web design, so I loved seeing what I learned in application. We also had a discussion about Java programming and databases, and their role at Peralta Design. Being that one of my favorite aspects of technology is the software and programming, I loved being able to talk with Kevin about real-world applications for everything I have learned up to this point in school.

We then got to spend some time with Amanda, who takes care of the art aspect of Peralta Design’s projects. The other members of the team give her a lot of credit for her artistic ability, and they’re not wrong in doing so! It was not long before I was amazed, she can really do a lot of impressive stuff. While I’m not very good at art, I really enjoyed seeing how Amanda works and how she makes such exceptional final products.

Julian, the motion designer, was out of the office and George, the other web developer on the team had to leave early for a Doctor’s appointment, but we got the sense that everyone on the team would be just as friendly.

After spending a day here, it is clear to me that Mr. Peralta has created a company that is not just in it for the money, but rather in it for the good of his clients. He has created a company that cares and will ensure the needs of its client are met. The are smart, knowledgeable, and kind. I’m glad I was able to spend the day here and look forward to being able to visit again.

-Michael Smith



Ramon has over 20 years of experience in award-winning, market-proven, print collateral, marketing material, iphone/ipad app and website design specializing in corporate identity and branding. Ramon’s passion for entrepreneurial design was borne out of 10 years as Creative Director for Jay Walker at Walker Digital, the Stamford based idea laboratory and business incubator holding over 400 US Patents. Ramon served as Senior Art Director on the start-up launch team behind, a Walker company and invention.

Peralta Design is an award winning, think tank and digital creative house (with offices in Shelton, CT and Palm Coast, FL). We not only help monetize ideas and determine what the MVP, the Minimal Viable Product is for you, but we also handle everything from logo design and branding, to recommending technology, to building custom web applications and websites. We also develop mobile apps and create promotional videos. As I also mentioned, we work with entrepreneurs, startups and companies (large and small) like yours. We Launch Brands!®

Need help with your brand identity or want to overhaul your existing brand? Need a responsive cutting edge web development project completed? Contact: 

Tell us about your next project at:

Check out our latest promo video at:

Follow Ramon on Twitter @Peralta_Design

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Mayor Toni Harp Night at Peralta Design


On January 16th, 2018 Peralta Design had the privilege and honor of hosting an intimate evening with New Haven Mayor Toni Harp at our Shelton, CT headquarters.

We were proudly tapped to design her now famous campaign logo when she ran for her 2nd term as Mayor of the Elm City. We decided to incorporate New Haven’s pride and joy, the new illuminated Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge, into her logo design and the result was an iconic brand that remains synonymous with Harp’s love for the city and bold vision for its future as America’s Greatest City.

Many supporters and clients filled our creative space that evening and enjoyed refreshments as well as some impromptu Ms. PacMan games while mingling and getting to know each other. We were asked to hold this post-campaign fundraiser for Mayor Harp and eagerly obliged. It was an opportunity to spend some quality time with Toni, show her around our creative studio, introduce her to clients, vendors, and residents of New Haven, all while also giving her a platform to share her passion for education, improving the quality of life in New Haven and its citizens.

What many people may not know about Toni is that not only was she a state senator in Connecticut from 1993 to 2013 (21 years), but she is the 50th Mayor of New Haven, and the FIRST woman, and only the 2nd African American to hold that post.

Read her full BIO here:

Mayor Harp’s commitment to equality, inclusiveness, and opportunity resonate across policy areas that have steadfastly remained her priority: public safety and criminal justice, public education to include early learning and post-secondary options, public health with an emphasis on access and affordability, and economic development and local job creation.

It was truly a royal treat to have her grace our offices with her presence that evening. Having her express her passion to our guests that evening spoke volumes to her sincerity and dedication to being a servant of the people.

As next door neighbors, with many clients, friends and family working and living in the greater New Haven area, we look forward to growing with and supporting the local economy as well as continuing to be of service to the Elm City and the great state of Connecticut.


Photography by Daniel Recinos:

Ramon has over 20 years of experience in award-winning, market-proven, print collateral, marketing material, iphone/ipad app and website design specializing in corporate identity and branding. Ramon’s passion for entrepreneurial design was borne out of 10 years as Creative Director for Jay Walker at Walker Digital, the Stamford based idea laboratory and business incubator holding over 400 US Patents. Ramon served as Senior Art Director on the start-up launch team behind, a Walker company and invention.

Peralta Design is an award winning, think tank and digital creative house (with offices in Shelton, CT and Palm Coast, FL). We not only help monetize ideas and determine what the MVP, the Minimal Viable Product is for you, but we also handle everything from logo design and branding, to recommending technology, to building custom web applications and websites. We also develop mobile apps and create promotional videos. As I also mentioned, we work with entrepreneurs, startups and companies (large and small) like yours. We Launch Brands!®

Need help with your brand identity or want to overhaul your existing brand? Need a responsive cutting edge web development project completed? Contact: 

Tell us about your next project at:

Check out our latest promo video at:

Follow Ramon on Twitter @Peralta_Design

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Be the Giraffe

“One of the best strategies you can apply to your business is learning how small, incremental improvements in your core processes can result in geometric growth for the entire company.” – Tony Robbins

Often times internal teams at companies can get tunnel vision and become stuck in doing things ‘the way they’ve always done them’ which does not exactly foster a culture of innovation and creativity. Sales numbers can plateau as well if there is not a unique selling proposition or a better way to position a product or service.

Employees can often dread professional development because it implies boring slide shows, flow charts and stale bagels. At Peralta Design, we feel that bringing experts in to provide us insights and strategies that will help us better serve our clients is time well spent. If those experts also happen to be clients, it’s even better. It’s a win-win; they learn more about us and why they chose to hire us for their creative branding and web needs, but we also get to experience their services first hand, and in a real-world practical manner.

This week, we were blessed with a visit by none other than best-selling author and Giraffe CFO himself, Chris Jarvis who was nearby in NYC on business. Our preferred venue for these interactive workshops is over lunch in our Big Red conference room and the format is casual and personal. Each member of our staff ‘opens up’ and participates candidly, openly and honestly.

So what exactly is a Giraffe CFO? In it’s simplest definition, it can be described as being able to look at companies or organizations from a higher perspective. Chris Jarvis, and his firm Jarvis Tower, help business owners, family offices and nonprofit organizations find creative solutions to their most complicated financial problems. We recently branded and launched websites for both Texas-based Jarvis Tower and so we were excited to have Chris finally visit our Connecticut location.

Jorge Pezo-Candelario, Peralta Design’s Director of Web Development described Chris Jarvis’ workshop as “the single-most interactive and informative professional development workshop I have attended at Peralta Design in 8 years.”


Chris took us through a series of thought provoking questions and although we appeared to not have a real agenda, we quickly started identifying challenges and more importantly discussing solutions and tactics that we can employ. By the time the 2.5 hour session was over, we all had plenty of homework to do. As a creative agency, we’re often dealing with clients that have identified a need for better marketing, are struggling with consistent messaging or are functioning without a modern, responsive website. Those are the easy ones. But what about the clients that don’t know what they need? What happens when the proposal is provided to the client and its handed over to someone who doesn’t see the value in new creative or in a marketing strategy? How do you provide a concrete return that will convert your service-based company from a liability to an asset for clients?

“If the services you’re providing are just a line-item cost, and not making them money, eventually the bean counters will find a way to remove you from the equation.” – Chris Jarvis

Our big takeaway was that we provide “Creative Solutions with Quantifiable Results.” Our creative branding and web development services have real, quantifiable results.

Chris has a new book available for pre-order at Amazon. The foreword was written by the one and only Jack Canfield (of Chicken Soup for the Soul and the Success Principles.) It is sure to be a best seller. Order it today


We don’t get a real-life giraffe in the office everyday, so having spent some time with Chris Jarvis was a real treat. We now have a road map of strategies to implement that will take us well into 2018 and beyond. And yes, like a real Giraffe, Chris didn’t join us by eating a sandwich. He had a salad.


For more information about Jarvis Tower visit:

Exclusive: Jack Canfield interviews Chris Jarvis –

Want Chris to energize your company, team or sales force? Visit:

Ramon has over 20 years of experience in award-winning, market-proven, print collateral, marketing material, iphone/ipad app and website design specializing in corporate identity and branding. Ramon’s passion for entrepreneurial design was borne out of 10 years as Creative Director for Jay Walker at Walker Digital, the Stamford based idea laboratory and business incubator holding over 400 US Patents. Ramon served as Senior Art Director on the start-up launch team behind, a Walker company and invention.

Peralta Design is an award winning, think tank and digital creative house (with offices in Shelton, CT and Palm Coast, FL). We not only help monetize ideas and determine what the MVP, the Minimal Viable Product is for you, but we also handle everything from logo design and branding, to recommending technology, to building custom web applications and websites. We also develop mobile apps and create promotional videos. As I also mentioned, we work with entrepreneurs, startups and companies (large and small) like yours. We Launch Brands!®

Need help with your brand identity or want to overhaul your existing brand? Need a responsive cutting edge web development project completed? Contact: 

Tell us about your next project at:

Follow Ramon on Twitter @Peralta_Design

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